The Supreme Court addresses tribal authority in a case that centers on a drug bust of a non-Indian driving through the Crow Reservation.
Legal Docket
Jones v. Mississippi
The Supreme Court addresses the 8th Amendment in this case about a 15-year-old who got a life sentence after killing his grandfather.
Mandatory Vaccine Laws
A review of a 1905 Supreme Court case that decided the constitutionality of vaccine mandates and cases that have expanded on it.
Admitting Privileges
The Supreme Court issues a surprising plurality decision in a case that challenges a state law that requires abortion doctors to have admitting privileges at a local hospital.
Bivens Remedy
The Supreme Court addresses whether a Bivens remedy is available in a case where a border patrol agent killed a Mexican teenager in a cross-border shooting.
The Insanity Defense
The Supreme Court considers the limits of a complex and controversial defense to crimes: insanity.
The Clean Water Act
The Supreme Court addresses the scope of the Clean Water Act in a case about a wastewater facility that wants to dispose of sewage into the ocean without a permit.